This family is so much fun. Period. They are welcoming, hospitable, and hilarious all wrapped into one. I grew up in the same graduating class as the oldest daughter of this crew, Sarah, and knew she had a few siblings and such, but I never had seen them all at one place at one time. When her mom, Becca, was referred to me by her sister, I didn’t even put two and two together until Becca mentioned that she was Sarah’s mom! I laughed at myself once I figured it out. 🙂 It was a joy taking pictures on their beautiful ranch just north of where I’m from, and it was an honor to feel like part of the family for a photo shoot’s length. 🙂

Aren’t they just a beautiful family!?

Hugs for mommy and kisses for daddy.

Of course the only brother had to get photos with his parents too. 🙂

Somehow I managed to easily persuade them into a jumping photo. I promise, everyone indeed was in the air in this photo, despite what the horizon line says. 🙂