Megan is one of the greatest people ever. I worked with her at John Brown University, and she was a delight to be around, stress with, and laugh with. She’s not only a co-worker, but definitely a friend. 🙂 I’m so proud of the hard work she’s put into her major and her passion for families, and I can’t wait to see the future holds for her!! December is just around the corner, you’re almost a college grad, Megan!!

Here’s some fun previews of our outing around JBU’s campus.

You gotta take a celebratory photo on the fountain, of course.

Been in and out of these doors many times. 😉

It’s also really important to find a super pretty tree, and throw leaves from it.


And sometimes you bump into friends and they “model” for your photos too! I giggled so much looking at these. 🙂

Congratulations again Megan!

To see more of her photos, you can click right here.

